
2018/12/19 11:22:08




Kuterera Myrmidon Zvikomborero KANGARA



我眼中的世界:Oh Man!!!

       The world is diversity. The world is 7 billion opinions diverging on one planet, the only one we know to bear life (although a couple hundred of those 7 billion opinions believe there is life elsewhere). The world is things I can touch, it's things you cannot touch, it's science infused with emotion, life and death, subjective and objective. You are the world, I am the world. All 7 billion of us, with our thoughts, and our pets, and beasts which own themselves, with the stars and the waters and the burning sun. We are the world.
       We live life as though the world were nothing but humans. Our world is only a small part of the world.
       We go further still. Closing off animals from our world, and treating them like tools. Closing off other countries and leaving only our own. We keep shutting doors, shrinking worlds, till it's just us, a handful, maybe less. Till it's just me and you, bound together in false companionship, sad to be stuck in this tiny, judgmental but perfect haven of exclusivity we have created.
       Oh man!!!
       Man oh man!
       What a life.
       What a world.




时丽娜 老师


