
2020/11/13 15:59:24




☆ 报名时间:11月2日-11月30日

☆ 参赛资格:所有进入演讲、写作、阅读大赛全国决赛的选手均可报名参赛。

☆ 报名方式:参赛选手请在全国决赛QQ群内下载报名表和诚信声明,并在11月30日24:00前将报名表、5分钟演讲视频、300词英文摘要及诚信声明发送至大赛官方邮箱uchallenge@unipus.cn 。



Topic for the Academic English Speaking Contest


Food wastage is a growing global crisis that is affecting the health of the entire planet and its population. According to the United Nation’s Food and Agriculture Organization, it is estimated that over 1 billion tons of food is wasted globally every year. Food waste occurs throughout every phase in the food system, including production, storage, processing, distribution, retail, and consumption.

To reduce food wastage, society requires a systematic methodology to categorize different types of wastage, analyze all possible causes and adopt management procedures. Citizens also need to be educated about the dangers of a lack of food security, and how to plan meals and tackle food wastage at home.

Prepare a presentation for an academic forum, proposing solutions to reduce food wastage from the perspective of your discipline. Choose a specific subtopic and decide a title for your speech. 


General guideline

Required Content

  • From within your academic discipline, find a specific problem of food wastage in one of the phases in the food system and propose at least one well-researched solution to it.

  • Explain the details of your proposed solution(s).

  • Justify your solution(s) with relevant evidence (e.g. data, research findings, logical reasoning, etc.)

  • Use citations and references in your presentation.


Format for Presentation

PPT slides. Do not use animations or electronic media (e.g. sound and video files).



The presentation must be in English. 


☆ 比赛程序:



☆ 评委组成:评委人数不少于5人(须包含外籍评委)。中国籍评委具有副教授以上职称。

☆ 评委评分:

  1. 所有评委的平均分为选手得分。

  2. 前5位选手的成绩在第5位选手结束演讲后,经评委商议后统一公布;其余选手的成绩在下一位选手演讲结束后公布。

☆ 评分标准(总分100分)


☆ 奖项设置:

特等奖1名,获得获奖证书及奖品(AirPods 蓝牙无线耳机一副)

一等奖3名,获得获奖证书及奖品(Kindle 阅读器一台)

二等奖6名,获得获奖证书及奖品(价值500 元的京东E卡)

三等奖10名,获得获奖证书及奖品(价值200 元的京东E卡)


