
2022/12/10 16:00:00



The Grand Course




This ideal of the Grand Course has gone down as a millennia-old dream of the Chinese nation. It has been a wish deep-rooted in a great land with a great people who deeply cherish a belief in an ideal world of justice, order, stability, harmony, good governance and common prosperity.

In modern times, the Chinese people have not stopped pursuing the Grand Course and have been exploring new ways to realize the Chinese dream of the national rejuvenation. 2022 is the right time for us to hold a conference to celebrate what we have achieved for the Grand Course, the grand dream of the Chinese nation as we are embarking on a new journey to build China into a modern socialist country in all respects and as we advance toward the Second Centenary Goal. Thousands of college students across the country attend this major ceremonial event both online and offline.

We celebrate the towering landmarks we have made for the Grand Course. Most importantly, we will be together to look forward to the even brighter future of the Grand Course of the rejuvenation of the Chinese nation and building a human community with a shared future.



