
2024/01/09 17:35:37









张宸 南京大学

I am certainly not a “thinker”, yet a man who is not a “thinker” can also have his own “thoughts” that more often than not come in pairs with solitude. The loss of the call of inspiration is the most distressful moment in the course of writing, as it makes you doubt if you are at your wit’s end and have been reduced to a third-rank untalented craftsman. You long for a hail of storm to wash up your drained heart, so you recklessly thrust the abandoned drafts into the rubbish bag, dump it into the garden from the fifth floor playfully, and get out of your study into the wilderness of the countryside, growling and galloping, or into the company of your playful friends, bragging and boasting. At this time, you have drifted away from literature, perceiving it as an unbearable weight on your life. At a particular moment amid this, however, a lightning will suddenly light up your heart, clearing up all the chaos. The so-called inspiration will be flooding towards you, and after a light-hearted twist of the body you come to yourself, with a thorough comprehension of the beauty and value of solitude.

The grand prose calls for a magnificent, heroic style, but this is not incompatible with the elevation of the aesthetic spirit. A poetic flow should be embedded in any genre of literature or artworks. Prose is a test for a writer’s comprehensive capabilities, which incorporates the writer’s life experience, personality, accumulation of knowledge, artistic senses, and the literary talent to create the context. “Comprehension” should not be deemed as the copy-pasting and rigid addition as a craftsman will do (though sometimes this can be a delicate operation), but a poetic reshaping with which the prose can fully manifest its power in “strength” and “beauty” and achieve excellence in both of the two aspects.

(为真实展示选手赛场风貌,文章是从iTEST 智能测评云平台中直接导出的原生作品,仅供学习分享使用。)






      第一句原文是双否定句体现强调,选手使用了三个not来体现原义,实属用心巧妙。“孤独”译为solitude非常准确,这是全文的关键抽象概念,可见选手对于全文的理解比较到位。“江郎才尽”译为at your wit’s end,“工匠”译为craftsman都比较准确和形象。

      但“将废弃的稿纸塞进”译为abandon drafts过于拘泥于字面,扔作家写废的手写稿译为discard manuscripts更准确,“扔”译为dump少了点画面感,译为toss更能体现急匆匆从五层一甩手往下抛的既视感。

      Growling and galloping, bragging and boasting用了头韵修辞格,读起来朗朗上口。At this time, at a particular moment amid this, however等句间逻辑连接词的使用使得译文行文流畅,逻辑连贯。

      “澎湃而来”译为flooding过于贴合字面,原文的含义是灵感迸发从心中涌出,用surge更能体现原义。“一抖身躯”“你又回来了”属于文学表达,前者译为a light-hearted twist of the body有点不知所以但也还可以意会,后者译为you come to yourself非常准确。“深深地理解了”译为thorough comprehension过于直白,且不具有美感。“优美和价值”仅用beauty一个词就足以,全篇讲的是孤独的美,并没有谈价值观,value加上反而显得突兀。


      第一句“沉雄壮阔的大手笔和大气派”“审美灵性的张扬”这两个表达都非常具有文学色彩,选手译为a magnificent, heroic style, the elevation of the aesthetic spirit 算是译出了大概含义,还可以认真体会和挖掘原文的具体含义,进而在译文中进行阐释。

     “生命体验”应该译为life experiences,使用复数形式。“艺术感觉”并不是强调感官“senses”,而是感受“sensibilities”。“营造语境”译为create the context过于直白,理解狭隘,其实指的就是(遣词造句的)文字功力。“堆砌”译为rigid addition比较勉强,其实是craftsman putting pieces together。“走向各自的极致”指的是作家在文学作品中展现出力和美,用achieve excellence in与语境含义稍有偏差。



