Read and Know (读以博闻)
● 习近平新时代中国特色社会主义思想关键术语
Directions: Choose the best answer for each question.
In a bid to step up economic and social progress, it is imperative that all sectors work in unison. ____________. The public and private sectors of the economy should be mutually reinforcing and beneficial; there is no need for conflict or strife.
—Xi Jinping: The Governance of China II
Which of the following sentences best fits in the blank?
A. A thing is yet to be done until it is done.
B. Clear waters and green mountains are invaluable assets.
C. The flame leaps high when everybody adds wood to a fire.
D. Distance tests a horse’s strength, and time reveals a person’s integrity.
这段文本强调了经济和社会进步需要各方面齐心协力,并提到公有制经济和非公有制经济应该相辅相成、相得益彰,所以最合适填入的应是强调团结合作的句子。选项 C “众人拾柴火焰高”恰好传达了这一意思。再看另外三个选项,选项 A“行百里者半于九十”,选项B“绿水青山就是金山银山” ,选项 D “路遥知马力,日久见人心”,它们均与文本内容无关,可以排除。
● 中华思想文化术语
Directions: Choose the best answer for each question.
Please complete the translation of “礼之用,和为贵”: Make ______ a top priority in the application of rites.
A. peace
B. harmony
C. agreement
D. cooperation
● 短篇阅读理解
Directions: Read the texts and answer the questions.
As if a declining population wasn’t bad enough, a rare species of bird in Australia has now forgotten how to sing. The falling numbers of the Regent Honeyeater mean that fewer adults are around to pass on to young males the melodies they need to know to attract a mate—a problem that can only exacerbate the current situation. Some hope lies in the fact that honeyeaters are famously good mimics, and so scientists are investigating if they can be retaught their vocal skills by artificial means in a lab. And perhaps, we cheekily suggest, our feathered friends could be taught some new tunes at the same time? A bit of William Byrd would be an obvious place to start...
What does the underlined word “exacerbate” probably mean?
A. settle
B. reduce
C. control
D. worsen
本题考查选手结合语篇大意推测词义的能力。文章开头写道,Regent Honeyeater这种本就稀少的鸟类数量进一步下降,使得更少雄性向后代传授歌唱技能,而这种技能的缺失将导致雄性无法求偶。题目中“exacerbate”所在语句为总结上述现象造成的影响,即上述现象将“恶化”这种鸟类的生存现状,故选D。
● 图表题
Directions: Read the chart and answer the questions.
Decide whether the following statements are True or False according to the chart.
1. The chart reflects not only the steady and increasing growth in the use of renewables but also the continuous decline in the growth of non-renewable capacity.
True ( ) False ( )
2. The renewable generation capacity in 2020 was more than six times the non-renewable generation capacity.
True ( ) False ( )
3. The renewable generation capacity has accounted for more than half of total electricity generating capacity since 2015.
True ( ) False ( )
4. The renewable generation capacity has been greater than the non-renewable generation capacity since 2012.
True ( ) False ( )
1) 读标题和图例
2) 看柱状图和折线图的横轴
3) 看柱状图的纵轴
4) 看折线图的纵轴
5) 比较柱状图和折线图之间的模式和关系
看似复杂的图表题,只要找准线索,按图索骥答题,也是可以轻松解锁的。以第1题为例:The chart reflects not only the steady and increasing growth in the use of renewables but also the continuous decline in the growth of non-renewable capacity. 灰色柱代表“new capacity non-renewables”,蓝色柱代表“new capacity renewables”,根据图中所示,灰色柱并不是呈continuous decline的趋势,所以此题答案为False。
Read and Reason (读以明理)
Directions: Read the texts or pictures and answer the questions.
"Mark Twain is a wonderful writer because he writes so well."
Which of the following commits the same logical fallacy as in the text?
A. “My professor, who has a Ph.D. in Astronomy, once told me that ghosts are real. Therefore, ghosts are real.”
B. “I don’t see how you can say you’re an ethical person. It’s so hard to get you to do anything; your work ethic is so bad.”
C. “It is possible to fake the moon landing through special effects. Therefore, the moon landing was a fake using special effects.”
D. “You should believe me because I’m an expert in this field, and how do you know I’m an expert? Well, because I have the knowledge and expertise.”
■ 解题思路
题目中的语句意为:马克·吐温之所以是著名作家,乃是因为他的写作能力强。前半句可视为论题,后半句可视为论据。这种未被证明的论据本身还需要论题加以证明,就是典型的“circular reasoning”(循环论证)。
在所给选项中,符合“circular reasoning”(循环论证)判定条件的只有D选项。A—C选项分别涉及“appeal to authority”(诉诸权威谬误)、“false equivalence”(假等价谬误)、“deductive fallacy”(推论谬误)。
Write and Create 写以言志
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